Saturday 18 July 2015

Wait paciently for you success

Just as you wait for a branch on the tree, 
to grow strong to give fruit,
you should not rush you own person,
to grew more than you'll naturally do,
for when the fruit comes, it will not be bitter,
but sweet and proud.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Lessons from Big Dan

I turn,
"Weakness into strength"
"Fat into muscle"
"Blister into canker sores"
"Doubt into will"
I beat the shit out of your sorry ass! 

Ni nos parecemos...

No te sientas mal por no tener las costumbres de tus padres o tu famila,  o por no compartir lo que hacen ni lo que expresan. A veces  somos tan distintos que nuestros parientes nos parecen lejanos y orientamos nuestras vidas en otras personas. La amistad que con muchas personas mantenemos puede aliviar en tu vida la debil relacion que llevamos con nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Pero tu busqueda aun es personal, si,   puedes tiene tus padres y hermanos y hermanas que te acompaƱan, es solo que ellos no buscan lo mismo que tu y por lo tanto a veces me siento mal por no tener mucho en comun con mi familia.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Plenty of time

The rain falls over the mountains, water flows into the river channels that encloses the village of Thangala. Here the people have been waiting the water for several years, this useful resource dissapeared twenty years ago and after a long time the water has return to their life. Many celebrations will be made ​​in the next few days. But the water brings not only happiness and mood but also many tiny red eggs, nonetheless nobody  paid much attention to it at that time. As soon as the construction of canals and ditches to maintain adequate supplies of water were finished every single one started to seed rice, they saw their fields full and will have felt happy if was not that these tiny red eggs becomes litle worms whom ate either their rice and their last hope so far.

Friday 25 February 2011

Bloody hell! my wife kills me in MONOPOLY

We were playing on Friday 25/2/11 and she started losing at first, but then she recovered her strength and build-up some houses in a colour-group that she get from me in a lateral transaction. That was my end, she got hotels and it was my ruin right there in my face, so I decided to fight against but it was to later and she rose her imperious with my pounds and I saw destroyed my lands under her thirsty to get power.
Finally, I have to accept that I was defeated but it is still not the end for us. We shall see our faces shortly, and you need to be prepared for a total bankruptcy. See you in hell darling.

Monday 21 February 2011

welcome to world!

I recently started to write a few words about everything, my life. So, I want to keep doing this but with a different perspective here. Furthermore, I can either write some words from my  life or just stories, it is a kind of personal journal. 
I brought to life a little few months ago, and he is so spectacular that I think in my baby everyday, he is great!. I don`t realize the bigger he is now. Here is a pic
well, take care. Bye.